13. September – 27. September 2019
Vernissage + Staged Act* + Humble Light Show + Surprises
Finissage + Possible Pop Core Gig
Pseudo-Realism is the first chapter in the series of Celebration of Decoration.
TBC reveal themselves as sophisticated interior decorateurs of sorts and attempt to ceremonialize and toast to the fact that modest contemporary art is currently on a sweet hiatus, oversea holiday and its return is yet to be announced.
Meanwhile this is not synonymous with the fact that by coming to @THEOFF.SPACE you will not see art, but rather the fact that the duo skips around terminal pitfalls.
For that purpose Pseudo-Realism was born and from there a whole array of Pseudo-Disciplines, Pseudo-Fashion, Pseudo-Jazz-Punk, Pseudo-Friends, Pseudo Cars.. but not so fast.
Let’s seriously contemplate the silliness of this seriosity and arise in acquiescence.
If asked for the meaning of this particular Realism, TBC rather answers; what is PSEUDO?
Experience PR and find out!
*In PR dictionary a Staged Act is what is commonly understood and in our case formally known as “performance”. We renounce the term of ‘performance’ for it’s second, unfavourable, homonymous interpretation – efficiency (which TBC doesn’t associate with), in order to create a less conditioned, pre-established blank, expectation-less space for action. This term may be revoked in favour of a more suitable one in the future.